Calculating Compression Ratio
If you've always wondered how to measure an engine's compression ratio, this is a very informative video. You'll need a burette (which you can obtain from a laboratory supply company).
Remember that bore and stroke will be different for each car (the video is for an MG-A), along with the volume of the head gasket, so adjust your calculations accordingly. (Quite a bit of math in there, but a great video.)
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This Video Courtesy of University Motors
We'd like to thank John Twist at University Motors for allowing us to share his tech videos here on SpriteSpot.
If you enjoy John's videos, please consider purchasing his "techbook".
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Safety Fast!
John H Twist
University Motors Ltd
6490 Fulton Street East
Ada, MI 49301
616 682 0800
616 682 0801 Fax