Polarizing the Generator & Troubleshooting the Charging System
This video a lot more than polarizing your generator--it's a how-to on troubleshooting the charging system (Generator and Control Box (Voltage Regulator). John demonstrates on an MG TD (but the principles apply to Spridgets as well). An excellent review of how the charging system works.
Polarizing your generator (by shorting terminals A & F on the control box) is important when changing from positive to negative ground.
John also describes how to trouble shoot using a 12 volt test light between the hot and terminal D to act as an ignition warning light, and how to use the wire from the F and the large wire from the D terminal to test your generator.
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This Video Courtesy of University Motors
We'd like to thank John Twist at University Motors for allowing us to share his tech videos here on SpriteSpot.
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Safety Fast!
John H Twist
University Motors Ltd
6490 Fulton Street East
Ada, MI 49301
616 682 0800
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